omohyoid muscle syndrome
Thus the patient was diagnosed with omohyoid muscle syndrome OMS. This is a diagnostic case report of a 22-year-old mixed martial arts athlete who acquired this condition. Endoscopic Surgery For Omohyoid Muscle Syndrome Semantic Scholar This is a diagnostic case report of a 22-year-old mixed martial arts athlete who acquired this condition. . An elongated transverse process can be defined as one that extends more laterally than the normal cervical transverse process lateral mass. Thoracic outlet syndrome Pearls The omohyoid muscleis a key to finding the suprascapular nerve when it is hard to find. This is a diagnostic case report of a. Omohyoid muscle syndrome OMS is a condition that causes a X-shaped lateral neck lump on swallowing caused by the failure of the central tendon of the omohyoid muscle to restrict movement of the muscle during swallowing. Patients with OMS usually undergo simple surgical transection of the. It...